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Twitter Metrics
Twitter Mentions Metrics
Twitter Mentions Metrics
Mike avatar
Written by Mike
Updated over a week ago

Number of Mentions

This is the total Number of Mentions published during the selected date range.

Likes (Mentions)

The number of Likes on mentions during the selected date range.

Retweets (Mentions)

The number of Retweeted mentions during a selected date range.

Unique Users (Mentions)

The number of Unique Users who mentioned your account username in their tweets during the selected date range.

Hashtags in Mentions

The top hashtags that were used with your account’s mentions during the selected date range.

Mention Sentiment Rate

This is the average Mention Sentiment Rate. Sentiment rate shows whether mentions of your account are positive, negative or neutral.

Language of Mentions

This shows the Languages of Mentions during the selected date range.

Top Mentions

This area lets you gain deeper insight into where you are mentioned. You can see Top Mentions sorted by Retweets, by Likes and by Date.

Number of Replies

The total Number of Replies published during the selected date range.

Likes (Replies)

The total number of Likes your Replies gained during the selected date range.

Retweets (Replies)

The number of Retweets on Replies during the selected date range.

Unique Users (Replies)

The number of Unique Users who replied to your tweets during the selected date range.

Hashtags in Replies

The top Hashtags used in Replies during the selected date range.

Reply Sentiment Rate

This is the average Reply Sentiment Rate. Sentiment rate shows whether mentions of your account are positive, negative or neutral.

Language of Replies

This shows the Languages of Replies during the selected date range.

Top Replies

You can see Top Replies sorted by Retweets, by Likes and by Date.

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