The number of Followers during the selected date range
Shows how the number of followers changed over the selected date range.
Estimated historical data for Followers is available for up to 12 months prior to connection to
Follower Change
The absolute increase or decrease in Followers during the selected date range.
This allows you to easily see how the number of followers changed on any given day, week or month. Monitoring the days with the most significant increases or decreases in followers can give insight into which content attracts new followers and which content triggers unfollows.
Historical Follower Change is available for up to 12 months.
Gained and Lost Followers
The number of Gained and Lost Followers during the selected date range.
Monitoring the days with the most significant gains or losses in followers can give insight into which content attracts new followers and which content triggers unfollows.
Your Gained and Lost Followers data is only available from the day you connected your profile to
Countries of Followers
The countries of Followers distribution during the selected date range.
Different countries have different cultures, buying habits and tastes. Knowing the countries of your followers is an important metric to utilise so that you can craft content specifically for them.
The country distribution for all your current followers is available for the ‘All Time’ date range. The Countries of Followers data for new followers is available from the day you connected your LinkedIn profile to
Industry of Followers
The industries of Followers during the selected date range. Shows the distribution of Followers by the industry they work in.
The industry distribution for all your current followers is available for the ‘All Time’ date range. The Industry of Followers data for new followers is available from the day you connected your LinkedIn profile to
Job Function of Followers
The Job Function of Followers during the selected date range. Shows the distribution of Followers by their job function.
The Job Function distribution for all your current followers is available for the ‘All Time’ date range. The Job Function of Followers data for new followers is available from the day you connected your LinkedIn profile to
Seniority of Followers
The Seniority of Followers during the selected date range. Shows the distribution of Followers by their seniority level.
The Seniority of Followers distribution for all your current followers is available for the ‘All Time’ date range. The Seniority of Followers data for new followers is available from the day you connected your LinkedIn profile to
Follower Company Sizes
The Follower Company Sizes during the selected date range. Shows the distribution of Followers by the staff count of the companies they work in.
The Follower Company Sizes distribution for all your current followers is available for the ‘All Time’ date range. The Seniority of Followers data for new followers is available from the day you connected your LinkedIn profile to