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A change to how the Follower Change number is calculated
A change to how the Follower Change number is calculated

April 7, 2022

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

We’ve changed how the Follower Change number is calculated on

Previously the Follower Change number displayed at the top of the Audience report was calculated by deducting the number of followers at the start of the selected date range from the number of followers at the end. This method provided a clear understanding of how the Total Follower Count changed over the selected period but created a discrepancy with the actual number of new followers added. To provide consistent and comparable data, the Total Follower Counts are updated at the same time every day (7 am UTC) and those who followed on the last day of the date range after the Follower count update were not included.

To comply with data available from some native social media analytics, for example, Instagram in-app insights, we’ve decided to change how this number is calculated on

This change only applies to the counter displayed at the top of the Audience section and complete date ranges (not including the present day). There are no changes to the Follower Change graph.

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