Total Followers
This is the total number of profile followers during the selected date range.
Growth of Total Followers
This is the sum of increases or decreases in followers during the selected date range.
Total Following
This is the total number of your profile following during the selected date range.
Number of Posts
This is the total number of posts posted during the selected date range. It easily allows you to track when content was uploaded and which type of content it was. Note: If no posts were published on a certain date, no data will be available for that date.
This is the total number of likes and comments by the post type.
Understanding which content type has the highest engagement levels enables you to share more of the content your audience wants to see.
Post Engagement Rate
This is calculated as the sum of all likes and comments divided by the number of followers. The graph shows the average Engagement Rate of Posts published during the selected date range.
Profile Engagement Rate
This is calculated as the sum of all likes and comments, divided by the number of followers. This shows the percentage of followers who interacted with the profile.
Follower Change
This shows the change of followers on the account in the first 24 hours the media was published.
Top Posts
This area lets you gain deeper insights into how their audience has engaged with certain posts. You can sort posts by various things and also select whether to show All Posts, Image posts only, Videos posts only or Carousel posts only.
Best Time to Post
This shows the times of the day and the days of the week when the audience was interacting with the content the most during the selected date range.
This is the sum of all likes and comments on the posts. The darkest red area is the best time for them to post, the winning time slot is also displayed under the metric title.
Best Time to Post, Engagement
This shows the average engagement rate of posts published at specific times of the day and days of the week. The darkest red area is the best time for them to post, the winning time slot is also displayed under the metric title.
Top Tags by Interactions
This area shows the top tags used by the total number of interactions received during the selected date range.
Most Effective Tags
This shows the top tags by the average number of interactions per post received during the selected date range.
Follower Growth by Month
This is the average follower growth percentage compared with other Instagram accounts in this cohort. The accounts cohort can be found in the top right-hand corner.
Posts per Month
This is the average number of posts per month compared with other Instagram accounts in this cohort.
Engagement Rate per Post
This is the average engagement rate percentage per post compared with other Instagram accounts in this cohort.
Likes per Post
This is the average number of likes per post compared with other Instagram accounts in this cohort.
Comments per Post
This is the average number of comments per post compared with other Instagram accounts in this cohort.