The number of Videos published during the selected date range.
The number of times Videos published during the selected date range were viewed.
The number of Likes on Videos published during the selected date range.
The number of Comments on Videos published during the selected date range.
The number of Shares of Videos published during the selected date range.
Video Engagement Rate
The sum of all Likes, Comments and Shares divided by the number of Views on a given day during the selected date range. The percentage of Views that resulted in interactions for Videos published during the selected date range.
The graph shows the average Engagement Rate of Videos published during the selected date range.
Reach Rate
The average Reach Rate of Videos published on the given day during the selected date range. Calculated by dividing Reach by the number of Followers. This metric shows the percentage of Followers who saw Videos published during the selected date range
Engagement Rate by Reach
The sum of all Likes, Comments and Shares divided by Reach and by the number of Videos on a given day during the selected date range. Engagement Rate by Reach shows the percentage of unique accounts reached who interacted with Videos.
Source of Impressions
The breakdown of Impressions by source, during the selected date range.
Detailed data for each individual Video published during the selected date range. Videos can be sorted by Engagement Rate, Views, Likes, Comments, Shares, Reach, Reach Rate, Engagement Rate by Reach, Full View Rate and 72h Follower Change.
You can also view detailed performance data for your Videos in the first 72 hours after publishing. The 72h data can only be tracked for Videos published after connecting to
Follower Change
The change in the number of followers on the profile in the first 24 hours the video was published. This data is available on the Gold, Platinum, and Agency plans and free trials.
Full View Rate
The percentage of Views where the whole video was watched.