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Instagram AuditLearn more about Instagram Audit, how your score is calculated and how you can use the data
Historical data availability on Minter.ioGet access to your social media historical data
Can I access historical data for my Facebook page?
Can I access historical data for my Twitter Profile?
Can I access historical data for my competitor?
Can I get historical data for an Instagram Hashtag?
Can I access historical data for my Instagram Business Profile?
How often is my data updated?
What does the term ‘Engagement Rate’ mean?
Top Tags and Most Effective TagsTop Tags and Most Effective Tags
Instagram Mentions
How do I use Benchmarks?
What are 'Reach' and 'Impressions'?
Stories Insights
Post Sentiment Rate
How do I set up my own domain for Instagram Click Analytics?
How can I change the time zone for the ‘Best Time To Post’ metrics?
How do I set a certain time range?